Ms. Ulman's Fifth Grade Class

Canyon Pointe AcademyHello Parents and Students!I am Ms. Ulman and I will be your child’s fifth grade teacher this upcoming school year. I am very excited to be your child’s teacher this year.My Philosophy of EducationI hold high standards for every child that enters my classroom.  I know that all children, regardless of learning ability, are capable to achieve their goals.  As a teacher, it is my responsibility to make sure every student I encounter receives a well rounded education.  My role is to guide, providing access to information rather than acting as the primary as the primary source of information, the students’ search for knowledge is met as they learn to find answers to their questions.  For students to construct knowledge, they need the opportunity to discover for themselves and practice skills in authentic situations.My classroom will be a caring, safe, and equitable environment where each child can blossom and grow.  I will allow children to become responsible members of our classroom community by using strategies such as class meetings, positive discipline, and democratic principles.  I am giving them the tools to become successful in life, to believe in themselves, and to love themselves.  On Your Child’s First Day at SchoolHe/She can expect to become familiar with his/her new classroom environment.  I will spend most of the first day going over new rules and procedures.  We will also go over the supplies needed in fifth grade.Grading PolicyA = 100-90B = 89-80C = 79 – 70D = 69-60F = 59 – below Homework The PLANNER is one of the most important forms of communication that we use.  Homework will be written daily and the parents will be expected to sign each day.  If a student does not have any of the homework complete he/she will lose their recess and complete it during that time.  I will circle the assignments not completed and a warning will be given.  After three warnings the student will be put on a homework contract and then detention should it continue. I will allow the student to turn in the homework for partial credit, within three days, after that it will not be accepted.Lunch and SnacksPlease make sure you provide your child with both a healthy lunch and a nutritious snack every day. This year the school will be providing a hot lunch program, so if you are interested please contact Mrs. Alley to find out more information.Reading RunEach student will be expected to read for at least 20 minutes a day (starting in August) for homework and will have D.E.A.R time (Drop Everything And Read) at least 3 times a week during Language Arts.  I will give each student a weekly form to use at home to be signed by the parent or guardian, and one to use at school.  The students will be responsible to keep track of their reading time.Positive DisciplineI am a big supporter of PAT. This is Preferred Activity Time and students earn this time by being responsible for their actions.  I also feel that if students are in a safe environment, then learning can take place.  This doesn’t necessarily mean punishing behavior problems but rather a combination of setting the tone in class, preventing behavior problems with interesting and engaging curriculum and effectively including all students.Ways to Contact Me

Communication is a vital part of making a classroom successful.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  Email is the best way to reach me.  My email address is or  You can also reach via school telephone at (602) 896-1166.  I will return your phone call as soon as the school day is over.